Make.demos.rules 2.91 KB
# Copyright (c) ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.

# $(call demo,[$1])
# Returns the demo project name (./demo/Ice/hello -> demo/Ice/hello)
demo = $(patsubst $(lang_srcdir)/%,%,$(if $1,$1,$(currentdir)))

# $(call demo-sources,$1=sources,$2=dir,$3=main-src extra-srcs)
# Returns sources if set, otherwise if main-src exists return main-src + extra-srcs, if it
# doesn't exist, returns an empty value.
demo-sources = $(call unique,$(if $1,$(foreach f,$1,$(notdir $(wildcard $2/$f))),\
                 $(if $(wildcard $2/$(firstword $3)),$(foreach f,$3,$(notdir $(wildcard $2/$f))))))

# The demo executables to try to build in each demo directory
demo-programs           = client server publisher subscriber

# The default demo sources for each demo executable.
demo-client-sources     = Client.$1 *.ice
demo-server-sources     = Server.$1 *.ice *I.$1
demo-publisher-sources  = Publisher.$1 *.ice
demo-subscriber-sources = Subscriber.$1 *.ice

# $(call create-demo-project,demo)
# Defines a project for the given demo.
# The following variables can be defined to customize the build of the demo:
# <name>_cleandirs
# <name>_clean
# <name>_bindir
# <name>_libdir
# <name>_sliceflags
# <name>_cppflags
# <name>_dependencies
# <name>_programs
# <name>_libraries
# The following variables allows to specify per-target (program or library) configuration
# <name>_<target>_sources
# <name>_<target>_sources
define create-demo-project

$1_srcdir       := $1
$1_programs     := $$(or $$($1_programs),$(demo-programs))
$1_noinstall    := 1

$1_client_sources       := $$(call demo-sources,$$(call $1_client_sources,$$($1_srcext)),$$($1_srcdir),\
                                $$(call demo-client-sources,$$($1_srcext)))

$1_server_sources       := $$(call demo-sources,$$(call $1_server_sources,$$($1_srcext)),$$($1_srcdir),\
                                $$(call demo-server-sources,$$($1_srcext)))

$1_publisher_sources    := $$(call demo-sources,$$(call $1_publisher_sources,$$($1_srcext)),$$($1_srcdir),\
                                $$(call demo-publisher-sources,$$($1_srcext)))

$1_subscriber_sources   := $$(call demo-sources,$$(call $1_subscriber_sources,$$($1_srcext)),$$($1_srcdir),\
                                $$(call demo-subscriber-sources,$$($1_srcext)))

$1_programs             := $$(foreach p,$$($1_programs),$$(if $$($1_$$(p)_sources),$1_$$(p)))
$1_libraries            := $$(foreach p,$$($1_libraries),$1_$$(p))

$$(foreach m,$$($1_programs) $$($1_libraries),$$(eval $$m_sources := $$(addprefix $$($1_srcdir)/,$$($$m_sources))))

projects += $(project)


# Returns the demos which don't have a fragment specified
demos-without-project-makefile = $(call unique,$(foreach d,$(call dirname,$(shell find $(lang_srcdir) -name $1)),\
                                     $(if $(wildcard $d/,,$(call demo,$d))))

# The demos variable is used to load demos in fragments
demos :=