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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
<a name="asio.reference.read.overload4"></a><a class="link" href="overload4.html" title="read (4 of 16 overloads)">read (4 of 16 overloads)</a>
          Attempt to read a certain amount of data from a stream before returning.
<pre class="programlisting">template&lt;
    typename <a class="link" href="../SyncReadStream.html" title="Buffer-oriented synchronous read stream requirements">SyncReadStream</a>,
    typename <a class="link" href="../MutableBufferSequence.html" title="Mutable buffer sequence requirements">MutableBufferSequence</a>,
    typename <a class="link" href="../CompletionCondition.html" title="Completion condition requirements">CompletionCondition</a>&gt;
std::size_t read(
    SyncReadStream &amp; s,
    const MutableBufferSequence &amp; buffers,
    CompletionCondition completion_condition,
    asio::error_code &amp; ec,
    typename enable_if&lt; is_mutable_buffer_sequence&lt; MutableBufferSequence &gt;::value &gt;::type *  = 0);
          This function is used to read a certain number of bytes of data from a
          stream. The call will block until one of the following conditions is true:
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
              The supplied buffers are full. That is, the bytes transferred is equal
              to the sum of the buffer sizes.
<li class="listitem">
              The completion_condition function object returns 0.
          This operation is implemented in terms of zero or more calls to the stream's
          read_some function.
<a name="asio.reference.read.overload4.h0"></a>
          <span><a name="asio.reference.read.overload4.parameters"></a></span><a class="link" href="overload4.html#asio.reference.read.overload4.parameters">Parameters</a>
<div class="variablelist">
<p class="title"><b></b></p>
<dt><span class="term">s</span></dt>
                The stream from which the data is to be read. The type must support
                the SyncReadStream concept.
<dt><span class="term">buffers</span></dt>
                One or more buffers into which the data will be read. The sum of
                the buffer sizes indicates the maximum number of bytes to read from
                the stream.
<dt><span class="term">completion_condition</span></dt>
                The function object to be called to determine whether the read operation
                is complete. The signature of the function object must be:
<pre class="programlisting">std::size_t completion_condition(
  // Result of latest read_some operation.
  const asio::error_code&amp; error,

  // Number of bytes transferred so far.
  std::size_t bytes_transferred
                A return value of 0 indicates that the read operation is complete.
                A non-zero return value indicates the maximum number of bytes to
                be read on the next call to the stream's read_some function.
<dt><span class="term">ec</span></dt>
                Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
<a name="asio.reference.read.overload4.h1"></a>
          <span><a name="asio.reference.read.overload4.return_value"></a></span><a class="link" href="overload4.html#asio.reference.read.overload4.return_value">Return
          The number of bytes read. If an error occurs, returns the total number
          of bytes successfully transferred prior to the error.
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