bulk_execute.hpp 12.1 KB
// execution/bulk_execute.hpp
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)


#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
# pragma once
#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)

#include "asio/detail/config.hpp"
#include "asio/detail/type_traits.hpp"
#include "asio/execution/bulk_guarantee.hpp"
#include "asio/execution/detail/bulk_sender.hpp"
#include "asio/execution/executor.hpp"
#include "asio/execution/sender.hpp"
#include "asio/traits/bulk_execute_member.hpp"
#include "asio/traits/bulk_execute_free.hpp"

#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"


namespace asio {
namespace execution {

/// A customisation point that creates a bulk sender.
 * The name <tt>execution::bulk_execute</tt> denotes a customisation point
 * object. If <tt>is_convertible_v<N, size_t></tt> is true, then the expression
 * <tt>execution::bulk_execute(S, F, N)</tt> for some subexpressions
 * <tt>S</tt>, <tt>F</tt>, and <tt>N</tt> is expression-equivalent to:
 * @li <tt>S.bulk_execute(F, N)</tt>, if that expression is valid. If the
 *   function selected does not execute <tt>N</tt> invocations of the function
 *   object <tt>F</tt> on the executor <tt>S</tt> in bulk with forward progress
 *   guarantee <tt>asio::query(S, execution::bulk_guarantee)</tt>, and
 *   the result of that function does not model <tt>sender<void></tt>, the
 *   program is ill-formed with no diagnostic required.
 * @li Otherwise, <tt>bulk_execute(S, F, N)</tt>, if that expression is valid,
 *   with overload resolution performed in a context that includes the
 *   declaration <tt>void bulk_execute();</tt> and that does not include a
 *   declaration of <tt>execution::bulk_execute</tt>. If the function selected
 *   by overload resolution does not execute <tt>N</tt> invocations of the
 *   function object <tt>F</tt> on the executor <tt>S</tt> in bulk with forward
 *   progress guarantee <tt>asio::query(E,
 *   execution::bulk_guarantee)</tt>, and the result of that function does not
 *   model <tt>sender<void></tt>, the program is ill-formed with no diagnostic
 *   required.
 * @li Otherwise, if the types <tt>F</tt> and
 *   <tt>executor_index_t<remove_cvref_t<S>></tt> model <tt>invocable</tt> and
 *   if <tt>asio::query(S, execution::bulk_guarantee)</tt> equals
 *   <tt>execution::bulk_guarantee.unsequenced</tt>, then
 *    - Evaluates <tt>DECAY_COPY(std::forward<decltype(F)>(F))</tt> on the
 *      calling thread to create a function object <tt>cf</tt>. [Note:
 *      Additional copies of <tt>cf</tt> may subsequently be created. --end
 *      note.]
 *    - For each value of <tt>i</tt> in <tt>N</tt>, <tt>cf(i)</tt> (or copy of
 *      <tt>cf</tt>)) will be invoked at most once by an execution agent that is
 *      unique for each value of <tt>i</tt>.
 *    - May block pending completion of one or more invocations of <tt>cf</tt>.
 *    - Synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the invocations of
 *      <tt>cf</tt>.
 * @li Otherwise, <tt>execution::bulk_execute(S, F, N)</tt> is ill-formed.
inline constexpr unspecified bulk_execute = unspecified;

/// A type trait that determines whether a @c bulk_execute expression is
/// well-formed.
 * Class template @c can_bulk_execute is a trait that is derived from @c
 * true_type if the expression <tt>execution::bulk_execute(std::declval<S>(),
 * std::declval<F>(), std::declval<N>)</tt> is well formed; otherwise @c
 * false_type.
template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
struct can_bulk_execute :
  integral_constant<bool, automatically_determined>

} // namespace execution
} // namespace asio


namespace asio_execution_bulk_execute_fn {

using asio::declval;
using asio::enable_if;
using asio::execution::bulk_guarantee_t;
using asio::execution::detail::bulk_sender;
using asio::execution::executor_index;
using asio::execution::is_sender;
using asio::is_convertible;
using asio::is_same;
using asio::remove_cvref;
using asio::result_of;
using asio::traits::bulk_execute_free;
using asio::traits::bulk_execute_member;
using asio::traits::static_require;

void bulk_execute();

enum overload_type

template <typename S, typename Args, typename = void>
struct call_traits
  ASIO_STATIC_CONSTEXPR(overload_type, overload = ill_formed);
  ASIO_STATIC_CONSTEXPR(bool, is_noexcept = false);
  typedef void result_type;

template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
struct call_traits<S, void(F, N),
  typename enable_if<
      is_convertible<N, std::size_t>::value
      bulk_execute_member<S, F, N>::is_valid
        typename bulk_execute_member<S, F, N>::result_type
  >::type> :
  bulk_execute_member<S, F, N>
  ASIO_STATIC_CONSTEXPR(overload_type, overload = call_member);

template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
struct call_traits<S, void(F, N),
  typename enable_if<
      is_convertible<N, std::size_t>::value
      !bulk_execute_member<S, F, N>::is_valid
      bulk_execute_free<S, F, N>::is_valid
        typename bulk_execute_free<S, F, N>::result_type
  >::type> :
  bulk_execute_free<S, F, N>
  ASIO_STATIC_CONSTEXPR(overload_type, overload = call_free);

template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
struct call_traits<S, void(F, N),
  typename enable_if<
      is_convertible<N, std::size_t>::value
      !bulk_execute_member<S, F, N>::is_valid
      !bulk_execute_free<S, F, N>::is_valid
        typename result_of<
          F(typename executor_index<typename remove_cvref<S>::type>::type)
        typename result_of<
          F(typename executor_index<typename remove_cvref<S>::type>::type)
      static_require<S, bulk_guarantee_t::unsequenced_t>::is_valid
  ASIO_STATIC_CONSTEXPR(overload_type, overload = adapter);
  ASIO_STATIC_CONSTEXPR(bool, is_noexcept = false);
  typedef bulk_sender<S, F, N> result_type;

struct impl
#if defined(ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::overload == call_member,
    typename call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::result_type
  operator()(S&& s, F&& f, N&& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::is_noexcept))
    return ASIO_MOVE_CAST(S)(s).bulk_execute(
        ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f), ASIO_MOVE_CAST(N)(n));

  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::overload == call_free,
    typename call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::result_type
  operator()(S&& s, F&& f, N&& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::is_noexcept))
    return bulk_execute(ASIO_MOVE_CAST(S)(s),
        ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f), ASIO_MOVE_CAST(N)(n));

  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::overload == adapter,
    typename call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::result_type
  operator()(S&& s, F&& f, N&& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::is_noexcept))
    return typename call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::result_type(
#else // defined(ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::overload == call_member,
    typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type
  operator()(S& s, const F& f, const N& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::is_noexcept))
    return s.bulk_execute(ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f),

  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::overload == call_member,
    typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type
  operator()(const S& s, const F& f, const N& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::is_noexcept))
    return s.bulk_execute(ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f),

  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::overload == call_free,
    typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type
  operator()(S& s, const F& f, const N& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::is_noexcept))
    return bulk_execute(s, ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f),

  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::overload == call_free,
    typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type
  operator()(const S& s, const F& f, const N& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::is_noexcept))
    return bulk_execute(s, ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f),

  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::overload == adapter,
    typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type
  operator()(S& s, const F& f, const N& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::is_noexcept))
    return typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type(
        s, ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f), ASIO_MOVE_CAST(N)(n));

  template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
  ASIO_CONSTEXPR typename enable_if<
    call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::overload == adapter,
    typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type
  operator()(const S& s, const F& f, const N& n) const
      call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::is_noexcept))
    return typename call_traits<S, void(const F&, const N&)>::result_type(
        s, ASIO_MOVE_CAST(F)(f), ASIO_MOVE_CAST(N)(n));
#endif // defined(ASIO_HAS_MOVE)

template <typename T = impl>
struct static_instance
  static const T instance;

template <typename T>
const T static_instance<T>::instance = {};

} // namespace asio_execution_bulk_execute_fn
namespace asio {
namespace execution {
namespace {

  const asio_execution_bulk_execute_fn::impl& bulk_execute =

} // namespace

template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
struct can_bulk_execute :
    asio_execution_bulk_execute_fn::call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::overload !=


template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
constexpr bool can_bulk_execute_v = can_bulk_execute<S, F, N>::value;


template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
struct is_nothrow_bulk_execute :
    asio_execution_bulk_execute_fn::call_traits<S, void(F, N)>::is_noexcept>


template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
constexpr bool is_nothrow_bulk_execute_v
  = is_nothrow_bulk_execute<S, F, N>::value;


template <typename S, typename F, typename N>
struct bulk_execute_result
  typedef typename asio_execution_bulk_execute_fn::call_traits<
      S, void(F, N)>::result_type type;

} // namespace execution
} // namespace asio


#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"