/* * QEMU curses/ncurses display driver * * Copyright (c) 2005 Andrzej Zaborowski <balrog@zabor.org> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "qemu-common.h" #include "console.h" #include "sysemu.h" #include <curses.h> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <signal.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <termios.h> #endif #define FONT_HEIGHT 16 #define FONT_WIDTH 8 static console_ch_t screen[160 * 100]; static WINDOW *screenpad = NULL; static int width, height, gwidth, gheight, invalidate; static int px, py, sminx, sminy, smaxx, smaxy; static void curses_update(DisplayState *ds, int x, int y, int w, int h) { chtype *line; line = ((chtype *) screen) + y * width; for (h += y; y < h; y ++, line += width) mvwaddchnstr(screenpad, y, 0, line, width); pnoutrefresh(screenpad, py, px, sminy, sminx, smaxy - 1, smaxx - 1); refresh(); } static void curses_calc_pad(void) { if (is_graphic_console()) { width = gwidth; height = gheight; } else { width = COLS; height = LINES; } if (screenpad) delwin(screenpad); clear(); refresh(); screenpad = newpad(height, width); if (width > COLS) { px = (width - COLS) / 2; sminx = 0; smaxx = COLS; } else { px = 0; sminx = (COLS - width) / 2; smaxx = sminx + width; } if (height > LINES) { py = (height - LINES) / 2; sminy = 0; smaxy = LINES; } else { py = 0; sminy = (LINES - height) / 2; smaxy = sminy + height; } } static void curses_resize(DisplayState *ds, int w, int h) { if (w == gwidth && h == gheight) return; gwidth = w; gheight = h; curses_calc_pad(); } #ifndef _WIN32 #ifdef SIGWINCH static void curses_winch_handler(int signum) { struct winsize { unsigned short ws_row; unsigned short ws_col; unsigned short ws_xpixel; /* unused */ unsigned short ws_ypixel; /* unused */ } ws; /* terminal size changed */ if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1) return; resize_term(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col); curses_calc_pad(); invalidate = 1; /* some systems require this */ signal(SIGWINCH, curses_winch_handler); } #endif #endif static void curses_cursor_position(DisplayState *ds, int x, int y) { if (x >= 0) { x = sminx + x - px; y = sminy + y - py; if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < COLS && y < LINES) { move(y, x); curs_set(1); /* it seems that curs_set(1) must always be called before * curs_set(2) for the latter to have effect */ if (!is_graphic_console()) curs_set(2); return; } } curs_set(0); } /* generic keyboard conversion */ #include "curses_keys.h" #include "keymaps.c" static kbd_layout_t *kbd_layout = 0; static int keycode2keysym[CURSES_KEYS]; static void curses_refresh(DisplayState *ds) { int chr, nextchr, keysym, keycode; if (invalidate) { clear(); refresh(); curses_calc_pad(); ds->width = FONT_WIDTH * width; ds->height = FONT_HEIGHT * height; vga_hw_invalidate(); invalidate = 0; } vga_hw_text_update(screen); nextchr = ERR; while (1) { /* while there are any pending key strokes to process */ if (nextchr == ERR) chr = getch(); else { chr = nextchr; nextchr = ERR; } if (chr == ERR) break; /* this shouldn't occur when we use a custom SIGWINCH handler */ if (chr == KEY_RESIZE) { clear(); refresh(); curses_calc_pad(); curses_update(ds, 0, 0, width, height); ds->width = FONT_WIDTH * width; ds->height = FONT_HEIGHT * height; continue; } keycode = curses2keycode[chr]; if (keycode == -1) continue; /* alt key */ if (keycode == 1) { nextchr = getch(); if (nextchr != ERR) { keycode = curses2keycode[nextchr]; nextchr = ERR; if (keycode == -1) continue; keycode |= ALT; /* process keys reserved for qemu */ if (keycode >= QEMU_KEY_CONSOLE0 && keycode < QEMU_KEY_CONSOLE0 + 9) { erase(); wnoutrefresh(stdscr); console_select(keycode - QEMU_KEY_CONSOLE0); invalidate = 1; continue; } } } if (kbd_layout && !(keycode & GREY)) { keysym = keycode2keysym[keycode & KEY_MASK]; if (keysym == -1) keysym = chr; keycode &= ~KEY_MASK; keycode |= keysym2scancode(kbd_layout, keysym); } if (is_graphic_console()) { /* since terminals don't know about key press and release * events, we need to emit both for each key received */ if (keycode & SHIFT) kbd_put_keycode(SHIFT_CODE); if (keycode & CNTRL) kbd_put_keycode(CNTRL_CODE); if (keycode & ALT) kbd_put_keycode(ALT_CODE); if (keycode & GREY) kbd_put_keycode(GREY_CODE); kbd_put_keycode(keycode & KEY_MASK); if (keycode & GREY) kbd_put_keycode(GREY_CODE); kbd_put_keycode((keycode & KEY_MASK) | KEY_RELEASE); if (keycode & ALT) kbd_put_keycode(ALT_CODE | KEY_RELEASE); if (keycode & CNTRL) kbd_put_keycode(CNTRL_CODE | KEY_RELEASE); if (keycode & SHIFT) kbd_put_keycode(SHIFT_CODE | KEY_RELEASE); } else { keysym = curses2keysym[chr]; if (keysym == -1) keysym = chr; kbd_put_keysym(keysym); } } } static void curses_cleanup(void *opaque) { endwin(); } static void curses_atexit(void) { curses_cleanup(NULL); } static void curses_setup(void) { int i, colour_default[8] = { COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_RED, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE, }; /* input as raw as possible, let everything be interpreted * by the guest system */ initscr(); noecho(); intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); start_color(); raw(); scrollok(stdscr, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < 64; i ++) init_pair(i, colour_default[i & 7], colour_default[i >> 3]); } static void curses_keyboard_setup(void) { int i, keycode, keysym; #if defined(__APPLE__) /* always use generic keymaps */ if (!keyboard_layout) keyboard_layout = "en-us"; #endif if(keyboard_layout) { kbd_layout = init_keyboard_layout(keyboard_layout); if (!kbd_layout) exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < CURSES_KEYS; i ++) keycode2keysym[i] = -1; for (i = 0; i < CURSES_KEYS; i ++) { if (curses2keycode[i] == -1) continue; keycode = curses2keycode[i] & KEY_MASK; if (keycode2keysym[keycode] >= 0) continue; for (keysym = 0; keysym < CURSES_KEYS; keysym ++) if (curses2keycode[keysym] == keycode) { keycode2keysym[keycode] = keysym; break; } if (keysym >= CURSES_KEYS) keycode2keysym[keycode] = i; } } void curses_display_init(DisplayState *ds, int full_screen) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (!isatty(1)) { fprintf(stderr, "We need a terminal output\n"); exit(1); } #endif curses_setup(); curses_keyboard_setup(); atexit(curses_atexit); #ifndef _WIN32 signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); #ifdef SIGWINCH /* some curses implementations provide a handler, but we * want to be sure this is handled regardless of the library */ signal(SIGWINCH, curses_winch_handler); #endif #endif ds->data = (void *) screen; ds->linesize = 0; ds->depth = 0; ds->width = 640; ds->height = 400; ds->dpy_update = curses_update; ds->dpy_resize = curses_resize; ds->dpy_refresh = curses_refresh; ds->dpy_text_cursor = curses_cursor_position; invalidate = 1; /* Standard VGA initial text mode dimensions */ curses_resize(ds, 80, 25); }