diff --git a/target-ppc/op.c b/target-ppc/op.c
index 7916b83..94ead45 100644
--- a/target-ppc/op.c
+++ b/target-ppc/op.c
@@ -473,121 +473,94 @@ PPC_OP(setcrfbit)
 /* Branch */
-#if 0
 #define EIP regs->nip
-#define TB_DO_JUMP(name, tb, n, target) JUMP_TB(name, tb, n, target)
-#define TB_DO_JUMP(name, tb, n, target) regs->nip = target;
-#define __PPC_OP_B(name, target)                                              \
-PPC_OP(name)                                                                  \
-{                                                                             \
-    TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 0, (target));                             \
-    RETURN();                                                                 \
-#define __PPC_OP_BL(name, target, link)                                       \
-PPC_OP(name)                                                                  \
-{                                                                             \
-    regs->lr = (link);                                                        \
-    TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 0, (target));                             \
-    RETURN();                                                                 \
-#define PPC_OP_B(name, target, link)                                          \
-__PPC_OP_B(name, target);                                                     \
-__PPC_OP_BL(glue(name, l), target, link)
-#define __PPC_OP_BC(name, cond, target)                                       \
-PPC_OP(name)                                                                  \
-{                                                                             \
-    if (cond) {                                                               \
-        TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 1, (target));                         \
-    } else {                                                                  \
-        TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 0, PARAM(1));                         \
-    }                                                                         \
-    RETURN();                                                                 \
-#define __PPC_OP_BCL(name, cond, target)                                      \
-PPC_OP(name)                                                                  \
-{                                                                             \
-    regs->lr = PARAM(1);                                                      \
-    if (cond) {                                                               \
-        TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 1, (target));                         \
-    } else {                                                                  \
-        TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 0, PARAM(1));                         \
-    }                                                                         \
-    RETURN();                                                                 \
-#define __PPC_OP_BCLRL(name, cond, target)                                    \
-PPC_OP(name)                                                                  \
-{                                                                             \
-    T2 = (target);                                                            \
-    regs->lr = PARAM(1);                                                      \
-    if (cond) {                                                               \
-        TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 1, T2);                               \
-    } else {                                                                  \
-        TB_DO_JUMP(glue(op_, name), T1, 0, PARAM(1));                         \
-    }                                                                         \
-    RETURN();                                                                 \
-#define _PPC_OP_BC(name, namel, cond, target)                                 \
-__PPC_OP_BC(name, cond, target);                                              \
-__PPC_OP_BCL(namel, cond, target)
-/* Branch to target */
-#define PPC_OP_BC(name, cond)                                                 \
-_PPC_OP_BC(b_##name, bl_##name, cond, PARAM(2))
-PPC_OP_B(b, PARAM(1), PARAM(2));
-PPC_OP_BC(ctr,        (regs->ctr != 0));
-PPC_OP_BC(ctr_true,   (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(3)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BC(ctr_false,  (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(3)) == 0));
-PPC_OP_BC(ctrz,       (regs->ctr == 0));
-PPC_OP_BC(ctrz_true,  (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(3)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BC(ctrz_false, (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(3)) == 0));
-PPC_OP_BC(true,       ((T0 & PARAM(3)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BC(false,      ((T0 & PARAM(3)) == 0));
-/* Branch to CTR */
-#define PPC_OP_BCCTR(name, cond)                                              \
-_PPC_OP_BC(bctr_##name, bctrl_##name, cond, regs->ctr & ~0x03)
-PPC_OP_B(bctr, regs->ctr & ~0x03, PARAM(1));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(ctr,        (regs->ctr != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(ctr_true,   (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(ctr_false,  (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) == 0));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(ctrz,       (regs->ctr == 0));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(ctrz_true,  (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(ctrz_false, (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) == 0));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(true,       ((T0 & PARAM(2)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCCTR(false,      ((T0 & PARAM(2)) == 0));
-/* Branch to LR */
-#define PPC_OP_BCLR(name, cond)                                               \
-__PPC_OP_BC(blr_##name, cond, regs->lr & ~0x03);                              \
-__PPC_OP_BCLRL(blrl_##name, cond, regs->lr & ~0x03)
-__PPC_OP_B(blr, regs->lr & ~0x03);
-    T0 = regs->lr & ~0x03;
-    regs->lr = PARAM(1);
-    TB_DO_JUMP(op_blrl, T1, 0, T0);
-    RETURN();
-PPC_OP_BCLR(ctr,        (regs->ctr != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCLR(ctr_true,   (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCLR(ctr_false,  (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) == 0));
-PPC_OP_BCLR(ctrz,       (regs->ctr == 0));
-PPC_OP_BCLR(ctrz_true,  (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCLR(ctrz_false, (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(2)) == 0));
-PPC_OP_BCLR(true,       ((T0 & PARAM(2)) != 0));
-PPC_OP_BCLR(false,      ((T0 & PARAM(2)) == 0));
+    regs->lr = PARAM1;
+    JUMP_TB(b1, PARAM1, 0, PARAM2);
+    regs->nip = T1;
+    if (T0) {
+        JUMP_TB(btest, PARAM1, 0, PARAM2);
+    } else {
+        JUMP_TB(btest, PARAM1, 1, PARAM3);
+    }
+    RETURN();
+    if (T0) {
+        regs->nip = T1 & ~3;
+    } else {
+        regs->nip = PARAM1;
+    }
+    RETURN();
+    T1 = regs->ctr;
+    T1 = regs->lr;
+/* tests with result in T0 */
+    T0 = (regs->ctr != 0);
+    T0 = (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(1)) != 0);
+    T0 = (regs->ctr != 0 && (T0 & PARAM(1)) == 0);
+    T0 = (regs->ctr == 0);
+    T0 = (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(1)) != 0);
+    T0 = (regs->ctr == 0 && (T0 & PARAM(1)) == 0);
+    T0 = ((T0 & PARAM(1)) != 0);
+    T0 = ((T0 & PARAM(1)) == 0);
 /* CTR maintenance */
diff --git a/target-ppc/translate.c b/target-ppc/translate.c
index f6df06b..e4c6ec9 100644
--- a/target-ppc/translate.c
+++ b/target-ppc/translate.c
@@ -1501,118 +1501,6 @@ GEN_HANDLER(stfiwx, 0x1F, 0x17, 0x1E, 0x00000001, PPC_FLOAT)
 /***                                Branch                                 ***/
-#define GEN_BCOND(name, opc1, opc2, opc3, prologue,                           \
-   bl_ctr,       b_ctr,       bl_ctrz,       b_ctrz,       b,        bl,      \
-   bl_ctr_true,  b_ctr_true,  bl_ctrz_true,  b_ctrz_true,  bl_true,  b_true,  \
-   bl_ctr_false, b_ctr_false, bl_ctrz_false, b_ctrz_false, bl_false, b_false) \
-GEN_HANDLER(name, opc1, opc2, opc3, 0x00000000, PPC_FLOW)                     \
-{                                                                             \
-    __attribute__ ((unused)) uint32_t target;                                 \
-    uint32_t bo = BO(ctx->opcode);                                            \
-    uint32_t bi = BI(ctx->opcode);                                            \
-    uint32_t mask;                                                            \
-    gen_op_update_tb(ctx->tb_offset);                                         \
-    gen_op_update_decr(ctx->decr_offset);                                     \
-    gen_op_process_exceptions((uint32_t)ctx->nip - 4);                        \
-    prologue;                                                                 \
-/*    gen_op_set_T1((uint32_t)ctx->tb);*/                                     \
-    if ((bo & 0x4) == 0)                                                      \
-        gen_op_dec_ctr();                                                     \
-    if (bo & 0x10) {                                                          \
-        /* No CR condition */                                                 \
-        switch (bo & 0x6) {                                                   \
-        case 0:                                                               \
-            if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                            \
-                bl_ctr;                                                       \
-            } else {                                                          \
-                b_ctr;                                                        \
-            }                                                                 \
-            break;                                                            \
-        case 2:                                                               \
-            if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                            \
-                bl_ctrz;                                                      \
-            } else {                                                          \
-                b_ctrz;                                                       \
-            }                                                                 \
-            break;                                                            \
-        case 4:                                                               \
-        case 6:                                                               \
-            if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                            \
-                bl;                                                           \
-            } else {                                                          \
-            b;                                                                \
-            }                                                                 \
-            break;                                                            \
-        default:                                                              \
-            printf("ERROR: %s: unhandled ba case (%d)\n", __func__, bo);      \
-            RET_INVAL();                                                      \
-            break;                                                            \
-        }                                                                     \
-    } else {                                                                  \
-        mask = 1 << (3 - (bi & 0x03));                                        \
-        gen_op_load_crf_T0(bi >> 2);                                          \
-        if (bo & 0x8) {                                                       \
-            switch (bo & 0x6) {                                               \
-            case 0:                                                           \
-                if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                        \
-                    bl_ctr_true;                                              \
-                } else {                                                      \
-                    b_ctr_true;                                               \
-                }                                                             \
-                break;                                                        \
-            case 2:                                                           \
-                if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                        \
-                    bl_ctrz_true;                                             \
-                } else {                                                      \
-                    b_ctrz_true;                                              \
-                }                                                             \
-                break;                                                        \
-            case 4:                                                           \
-            case 6:                                                           \
-                if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                        \
-                    bl_true;                                                  \
-                } else {                                                      \
-                    b_true;                                                   \
-                }                                                             \
-                break;                                                        \
-            default:                                                          \
-                printf("ERROR: %s: unhandled b case (%d)\n", __func__, bo);   \
-                RET_INVAL();                                                  \
-                break;                                                        \
-            }                                                                 \
-        } else {                                                              \
-            switch (bo & 0x6) {                                               \
-            case 0:                                                           \
-                if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                        \
-                    bl_ctr_false;                                             \
-                } else {                                                      \
-                    b_ctr_false;                                              \
-                }                                                             \
-                break;                                                        \
-            case 2:                                                           \
-                if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                        \
-                    bl_ctrz_false;                                            \
-                } else {                                                      \
-                    b_ctrz_false;                                             \
-                }                                                             \
-                break;                                                        \
-            case 4:                                                           \
-            case 6:                                                           \
-                if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                        \
-                    bl_false;                                                 \
-                } else {                                                      \
-                    b_false;                                                  \
-                }                                                             \
-                break;                                                        \
-            default:                                                          \
-                printf("ERROR: %s: unhandled bn case (%d)\n", __func__, bo);  \
-                RET_INVAL();                                                  \
-                break;                                                        \
-            }                                                                 \
-        }                                                                     \
-    }                                                                         \
-    ctx->exception = EXCP_BRANCH;                                             \
 /* b ba bl bla */
 GEN_HANDLER(b, 0x12, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00000000, PPC_FLOW)
@@ -1626,85 +1514,127 @@ GEN_HANDLER(b, 0x12, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00000000, PPC_FLOW)
         target = (uint32_t)ctx->nip + li - 4;
         target = li;
-//    gen_op_set_T1((uint32_t)ctx->tb);
     if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {
-        gen_op_bl(target, (uint32_t)ctx->nip);
-    } else {
-    gen_op_b(target);
+        gen_op_setlr((uint32_t)ctx->nip);
+    gen_op_b((long)ctx->tb, target);
     ctx->exception = EXCP_BRANCH;
-/* bc bca bcl bcla */
-GEN_BCOND(bc, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xFF,
-          do {
-              uint32_t li = s_ext16(BD(ctx->opcode));
-              if (AA(ctx->opcode) == 0) {
-                  target = (uint32_t)ctx->nip + li - 4;
-              } else {
-                  target = li;
-              }
-          } while (0),
-          gen_op_bl_ctr((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target),
-          gen_op_b_ctr((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target),
-          gen_op_bl_ctrz((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target),
-          gen_op_b_ctrz((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target),
-          gen_op_b(target),
-          gen_op_bl(target, (uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_bl_ctr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_b_ctr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_bl_ctrz_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_b_ctrz_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_bl_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_b_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_bl_ctr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_b_ctr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_bl_ctrz_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_b_ctrz_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_bl_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask),
-          gen_op_b_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, target, mask));
-/* bcctr bcctrl */
-GEN_BCOND(bcctr, 0x13, 0x10, 0x10, do { } while (0),
-          gen_op_bctrl_ctr((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_bctr_ctr((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_bctrl_ctrz((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_bctr_ctrz((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_bctr(),
-          gen_op_bctrl((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_bctrl_ctr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctr_ctr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctrl_ctrz_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctr_ctrz_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctrl_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctrl_ctr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctr_ctr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctrl_ctrz_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctr_ctrz_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctrl_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_bctr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask))
-/* bclr bclrl */
-GEN_BCOND(bclr, 0x13, 0x10, 0x00, do { } while (0),
-          gen_op_blrl_ctr((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_blr_ctr((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_blrl_ctrz((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_blr_ctrz((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_blr(),
-          gen_op_blrl((uint32_t)ctx->nip),
-          gen_op_blrl_ctr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blr_ctr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blrl_ctrz_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blr_ctrz_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blrl_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blr_true((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blrl_ctr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blr_ctr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blrl_ctrz_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blr_ctrz_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blrl_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask),
-          gen_op_blr_false((uint32_t)ctx->nip, mask))
+#define BCOND_IM  0
+#define BCOND_LR  1
+#define BCOND_CTR 2
+static inline void gen_bcond(DisasContext *ctx, int type) 
+    uint32_t target = 0;
+    uint32_t bo = BO(ctx->opcode);                                            
+    uint32_t bi = BI(ctx->opcode);                                            
+    uint32_t mask;                                                            
+    uint32_t li;
+    gen_op_update_tb(ctx->tb_offset);                                         
+    gen_op_update_decr(ctx->decr_offset);                                     
+    gen_op_process_exceptions((uint32_t)ctx->nip - 4);                        
+    if ((bo & 0x4) == 0)
+        gen_op_dec_ctr();                                                     
+    switch(type) {
+    case BCOND_IM:
+        li = s_ext16(BD(ctx->opcode));
+        if (AA(ctx->opcode) == 0) {
+            target = (uint32_t)ctx->nip + li - 4;
+        } else {
+            target = li;
+        }
+        break;
+    case BCOND_CTR:
+        gen_op_movl_T1_ctr();
+        break;
+    default:
+    case BCOND_LR:
+        gen_op_movl_T1_lr();
+        break;
+    }
+    if (LK(ctx->opcode)) {                                        
+        gen_op_setlr((uint32_t)ctx->nip);
+    }
+    if (bo & 0x10) {
+        /* No CR condition */                                                 
+        switch (bo & 0x6) {                                                   
+        case 0:                                                               
+            gen_op_test_ctr();
+            break;
+        case 2:                                                               
+            gen_op_test_ctrz();
+            break;                                                            
+        default:
+        case 4:                                                               
+        case 6:                                                               
+            if (type == BCOND_IM) {
+                gen_op_b((long)ctx->tb, target);
+            } else {
+                gen_op_b_T1();
+                break;
+            }
+            goto no_test;
+        }
+    } else {                                                                  
+        mask = 1 << (3 - (bi & 0x03));                                        
+        gen_op_load_crf_T0(bi >> 2);                                          
+        if (bo & 0x8) {                                                       
+            switch (bo & 0x6) {                                               
+            case 0:                                                           
+                gen_op_test_ctr_true(mask);
+                break;                                                        
+            case 2:                                                           
+                gen_op_test_ctrz_true(mask);
+                break;                                                        
+            default:                                                          
+            case 4:                                                           
+            case 6:                                                           
+                gen_op_test_true(mask);
+                break;                                                        
+            }                                                                 
+        } else {                                                              
+            switch (bo & 0x6) {                                               
+            case 0:                                                           
+                gen_op_test_ctr_false(mask);
+                break;                                                        
+            case 2:                                                           
+                gen_op_test_ctrz_false(mask);
+                break;                                                        
+            default:
+            case 4:                                                           
+            case 6:                                                           
+                gen_op_test_false(mask);
+                break;                                                        
+            }                                                                 
+        }                                                                     
+    }                                                                         
+    if (type == BCOND_IM) {
+        gen_op_btest((long)ctx->tb, target, (uint32_t)ctx->nip);
+    } else {
+        gen_op_btest_T1((uint32_t)ctx->nip);
+    }
+ no_test:
+    ctx->exception = EXCP_BRANCH;                                             
+GEN_HANDLER(bc, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00000000, PPC_FLOW)
+    gen_bcond(ctx, BCOND_IM);
+GEN_HANDLER(bcctr, 0x13, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00000000, PPC_FLOW)
+    gen_bcond(ctx, BCOND_CTR);
+GEN_HANDLER(bclr, 0x13, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00000000, PPC_FLOW)
+    gen_bcond(ctx, BCOND_LR);
 /***                      Condition register logical                       ***/
 #define GEN_CRLOGIC(op, opc)                                                  \
@@ -3148,7 +3078,7 @@ int gen_intermediate_code_internal (CPUState *env, TranslationBlock *tb,
         if (gen_opc_ptr >= gen_opc_end ||
             ((uint32_t)ctx.nip - pc_start) >= (TARGET_PAGE_SIZE - 32)) {
             if (ctx.exception == EXCP_NONE) {
-        gen_op_b((uint32_t)ctx.nip);
+        gen_op_b((long)ctx.tb, (uint32_t)ctx.nip);
                 ctx.exception = EXCP_BRANCH;